Having an education in dance benefits all aspects of life.
Our mission is to inspire our students to a passion for dancing and life. We believe that an education in dance benefits all aspects of one’s life. Dancing builds self confidence while promoting a healthy body image. We encourage teamwork and positive life skills that will help our students succeed in all aspects of life. Meet the TDC family! >
The Dance Company offers a wide variety of dance opportunities. We encourage our kids to have a wide variety of dance experiences.
All levels of ballet combine the classical French, Russian, and Italian schools of training along with basic understanding of placement and alignment to enable students to excel in their technical abilities. Ballet classes will teach student classroom etiquette while enabling them to work on their own and in groups. All students will work towards building flexibility, strength, musicality, coordination, concentration and communication of expression through movement. Students will explore a large variety of classical ballet terminology, enabling them to adapt to all styles and techniques of dance. Attire: Black leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes.
Our school follows the American Ballet Theatre (ABT) curriculum.
An American art form that demonstrates the musicality of dance by using one’s shoes as well as the floor as a percussive instrument. We will be studying both styles of tap, Broadway and rhythm tap. Attire: dancewear and black oxford tap shoes.
This fun, energetic class includes all styles of jazz. It also has emphasis on technique and choreography. Modern and contemporary forms are taught to advance levels to enhance their dance education. Attire: jazz shoes and dancewear.
Hip-Hop presents high energy moves with a flare of athleticism. You will also be free to express your own individuality of dance styles. We will use old school music and today’s latest tracts (without profanity) for our dances. Attire – Pastry Hip Hop shoes with dance clothes with a flare if desired
Modern was developed in the early 20th century as a break-off from Ballet. It involves creativity and a freer style. Its usual characteristics are spinal manipulations and off/balance movement such as tilts and layouts. It also includes some basic gymnastics skills such as rolls and handstands. Attire: dancewear and bare feet.
(By placement). Pointe work is undertaken when the student has learned basic technique and when the legs and feet are sufficiently developed. Pointe class is beneficial for the enhancement of strong and articulate feet. Students are required to take two ballet classes a week in order to have the proper placement and strength required to successfully train in Pointe shoes. Attire: black leotard and pink tights
Lyrical dance has been brought into the limelight recently in popular dance shows. It is a break-off from jazz and ballet with modern influences. The lyrical dance has smoother, lengthening qualities while contemporary has more angular movements, yet both can cross-over.
Lots of happy and smiles as the toddler is Introduced to a classroom structure of dance. The class will be fun and activity filled while teaching the basics of following directions and one another. Attire: Pink leather ballet shoes and any color leotard or dancewear and tights.
This is a class where students will enhance their balance, poise, and coordination through basic ballet skills. Students are also encouraged to use their imaginations along with music to explore different types of movement and rhythm. In each class they have the added opportunity to dress up in tutus and implement the tools they have learned through creative movement. The dance skills learned in Princess Ballet enable young girls to build confidence and an appreciation for all genres of dance. Attire: Pink leather ballet shoes and any color leotard or dancewear and tights.
Ballet Tech/Pointe (By Placement) Pointe work is undertaken when the student has learned basic technique and when the legs and feet are sufficiently developed. Pointe class is beneficial for the enhancement of strong and articulate feet. Students are required to take two ballet classes a week in order to have the proper placement and strength required to successfully train in Pointe shoes. Attire: black leotard and pink tights.
In this unique class students will explore the classical to contemporary storybook ballets. This class is perfect for children that are new to ballet or have had a small amount of ballet experience. Students will be introduced to the structure of a ballet class while also learning basic ballet positions. They will also develop vital motor skills that are necessary for success for any genre of dance. Students will also enjoy creating their own dances and partaking in crafts that incorporate different storybook ballets. They will have the opportunity to learn about the music, costumes, and scenery from these famous ballets: The Nutcracker, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Swan Lake, Coppelia, Carnival of the Animals, Firebird, and many more. Attire: Pink leather ballet shoes with any color leotard and tights.
Introductory movement and dance covering basic skills in hip hop, jazz, ballet, and tap through creative concepts and games. Students are encouraged to use their imaginations to explore the art of dance. Attire-black jazz shoes and black patent leather tap shoes and any color leotard.
Just for Boys! Introducing the hottest urban dance form, Hip-Hop for Boys teaches basic moves with high energy jazz with a flare of athleticism with the freedom to express his own dance expression and individuality. We will use old school music and today’s latest tracts (without profanity) for our dances. Attire: Jazz shoes (no street shoes) and cotton shorts and tee shirt. No jeans or zippers.
(Summer only. By placement for the more advanced) Students will start with a short warm-up and then gradually work towards perfecting common leaps, jumps, and turns. Contemporary is a genre of dance that teaches a more free composition, rather than choreography to guide movement that is not choreographed. It uses techniques and methods found in ballet, and modern dance and draws from other forms of movement that are outside the realm of classical dance technique. Attire: Dancewear, no shoes necessary.
Adult Dance Classes can be combination of genres which can include Jazz or Tap according to whatever the class chooses to study. Attire: dance or exercise wear.